...10k Training...

Yes, yes you are reading this correctly. Me, the girl who avoided running when I played soccer year round, is going to be running/walking 6.2 miles at the end of March.

I registered for the Monument Ave 10k yesterday. I am excited to be running/walking beside my dad and my closest girlfriends! 

Today, I started my training. Not going according to planned is an understatement. I wanted to run outside so I took off around Arlington. But, before I got to the end of my street it started to pour. I had already started so I was going to keep going. Not only was there ice and snow still all over the sidewalk but now I was dripping wet. Oh well, runners run in any weather, and it seems like I am turning into a runner against all odds. Well if that wasn't bad enough, as soon as I turned one of the corners, I STEPPED IN VOMIT ON THE SIDEWALK. At this point, I was only halfway through my workout. AWESOME. Needless to say, I finished the workout and now have a GREAT story to tell for my first day of training.

My new pumped up kicks which make running so much more fun! You'll be able to spot me on race day!

For anyone who wants to train with me here's my workout plan. I will be training on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's.
As I complete a workout, I will cross it off. 

Week 1: Workout 1: 40 minutes Warm up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 30 seconds, Walk 4 min and 30 seconds
Repeat 7 times.

Week 1: Workout 2: 45 minutes Warm-up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 30 seconds, Walk 4 min and 30 seconds
Repeat 8 times

Week 1: Workout 3: 45 minutes Warm-up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 30 seconds, Walk 4 min and 30 seconds
Repeat 8 times

Week 2: Workout 1: 50 minutes Warm-up 5 minutes
Slow Jog for 1 minute, Walk 4 min
Repeat 9 times

Week 2: Workout 2: 45 minutes Warm-up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 1 minute, Walk 4 min
Repeat 8 times

Week 2: Workout 3: 45 minutes Warm-up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 1 minute, Walk 4 min
Repeat 8 times

Week 4: Workout 1: 
60 minutes 
Warm up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 2 minutes, walk 3 minutes
Repeat 11 times

Week 4: Workout 2: 
50 minutes 
Warm up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 2 minutes, walk for 3 minutes
Repeat 9 times

Week 4: Workout 3: 
55 minutes 
Warm up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 2 minutes, walk for 3 minutes
Repeat 10 times

Week 5: Workout 1: 
65 minutes 
Warm up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 2 minutes 30 seconds, walk for 2 minutes 30 seconds
Repeat 12 times

Week 5: Workout 2: 
55 minutes 
Warm up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 2 minutes 30 seconds, walk for 2 minutes 30 seconds
Repeat 10 times

Week 5: Workout 3: 
55 minutes Warm up 5 minutes
Slow jog 2 minutes 30 seconds, walk for 2 minutes 30 seconds
Repeat 10 times

Week 6: Workout 1: 
70 minutes 
Warm up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 3 minutes, walk for 2 minutes
Repeat 13 times

Week 6: Workout 2: 
55 minutes 
Warm up 5 minutes
Slow jog for 3 minutes, walk for 2 minutes
Repeat 10 times

Week 6: Workout 3:
60 minutes
Warm up: 5 minutes
Slow jog 3 minutes, walk for 2 minutes
Repeat 11 times

We made it!

Now onto a half marathon in October (with plenty of 5k's in between)!!!!